Historical Fencing Australia is glad that you are coming along to our event. We hope you enjoy it. Below is a collection of useful information that you should read before coming to the camp.


  • Useful links
  • Getting Here
  • Spare Seat / Lifts
  • What you need to bring
  • Heat and First Aid
  • Fencing Expectations
  • War Games & Skirmish Rules
  • The Tournament
  • Further info

Useful Links

Timetable and Class Descriptions – Yet to be released
List of Instructors
Code of Conduct
Chore Allocation List – Yet to be released

Getting here:

Arrival time:
Anytime from 4:30 pm on Friday – get in touch if you would like to come early to help set up.

Departure time:
Formal activities conclude at 2 pm on Monday and we ask that the site be tidied up, and everyone leave by 5 pm.

Clifford Park Activity Centre
5-7 Clifford Drive, Wonga Park 3115

Exact Map Location

Clifford Park is located near Warrandyte in Melbourne’s North East, about 45 minutes from Melbourne CBD

FROM RINGWOOD – Maroondah Hwy to Yarra Road, left onto Yarra Road then right at traffic lights (still Yarra Road). Continue on to Jumping Creek Road, keep to the right of the CFA station then immediately left onto Dudley Rd, then right onto Fulford (past Kellybrook Winery) & left into Clifford Drive.
FROM WARRANDYTE – Ringwood-Warrandyte Rd to the roundabout, left onto Jumping Creek Rd, left at Dudley Rd, right at Fulford Rd (past Kellybrook Winery) & left into Clifford Drive.
Through the gate, down the hill, follow directional signs to the Lodge (Camp Admin)
For everyone’s safety please observe speed limits (10 KPH) within Clifford Park.

Do you have a spare seat in your car? Need help getting here?

We have hired a minivan and are coordinating lifts from three different locations:

1.The 672 bus stop (Dudley Rd/Jumping Creek Rd), to which buses run approximately every 30 minutes from Croydon station. Public transport directions from the city to the bus stop here. Pickups available just about anytime – 5 mins from site.

2. Ringwood Train Station, to help cover the van hire cost please plan to pitch in $10 for a return trip. Pickups available by pre-arrangement – 25 mins from site.

3. The Melbourne Salle (4/64 Oakover Rd, Preston), the van will pickup from the salle in the afternoon on Friday, and again in the early evening – to help cover the cost please plan to pitch in $25 for a return trip – 45 mins from site.

Contact Lorne to arrange:
lorneawilliams+camp at gmail you know the rest

What you need to bring
You need to bring all the things you need to have a good time at the camp.

You will definitely need the following:

  • Clothes ,
  • Bedding (including pillow), make sure you have warm bedding e.g. sleeping bag,
  • Towel
  • Tent (if you are camping)
  • Fencing protective equipment (mask, gloves, jacket, elbow & knee protection, other stuff if you have it),
  • Swords (there will be some loaners around but you should bring at least one sword so you always have something you can use).

We will provide: cutlery, crockery, food, mattresses (in the dorms only).

Heat and First Aid

It will be hot, especially on Saturday. We have adjusted the timetable to use more of the cool of the day and give us a break during the hottest part of the day. There is air conditioning in the Lodge (where meals are served), the dorms have fans. There are undercover areas for classes and fencing to happen.

Drink water, wear sunscreen and a hat. Stay in the shade. There will be eloctrolyte drinks in the lodge and sunscreen too.

The first aid person is Lorne 0422 254 001 – please don’t get injured.

Fire Risk: The site is surrounded by bushland and the fire risk is expected to be Extreme. We are not allowed to light fires and Everyone must stay within the site boundary. If you need to leave site unexpectedly please let Gindi 0437461101 or Lorne 0422 254 001 know. This is so we can keep track of everybody in the event of an emergency.

Fencing expectations

Fencing with people outside your sparring culture requires communication, if you are going to spar with someone you need to agree on the rules of engagement you want to play with first.
Fighters must wear protective equipment appropriate to the level of free play they are about to engage in, generally this means a minimum of a fencing mask for slow play but could be very comprehensive for other sparring conditions.

Fencing rules for the camp:

  • No one is obligated to begin or continue fencing. If someone says no, accept their decision gracefully.
  • All swords must be tipped with leather or plastic or rubber. See this video for details.
  • Before fencing with someone check in and agree on: intensity, gear worn, allowed techniques, and anything else you aren’t sure about
  • Call HOLD if you feel or see anything unsafe. Say TOO HARD if a blow against you is too hard.
  • Fencers who cannot maintain adequate control will not be allowed to spar.
  • Everyone must have read and then follow the code of conduct at all times, while at the camp!

War Games & Skirmish Rules

MaskFencing mask – 350N minimum, an overlay, helmet, or additional padding is strongly recommended.
Back of headRigid protection covering the back of the head
GorgetThroat protection that provides additional thrust protection to the throat.  Protectors must be appropriately rigid.
Jacket/Torso ProtectionA jacket specifically designed for historical fencing: well constructed and fit for purpose.
The jacket must completely cover the torso and not have any uncovered area; the covered areas must also include in particular: the whole back, neck (not covered by mask, overlay, and gorget) and armpits.

The entire jacket and the remaining defensive equipment of the torso must be protected for a minimum of 350N (or drop test equivalent) 
KneesKnees must be covered by rigid protection.Shin protection is recommended
Elbows & ForearmElbows must be covered with rigid protection. Additional padding is recommended for the forearm.
Simple hilted swords e.g. Arming Sword, Longsword, Spear Appropriately protective, thickly padded or rigid shell gloves must be worn e.g. Sparring Gloves, Spes Lobsters, Thokk, Lacrosse, or Red Dragon gloves
Complex hilted swords e.g. Rapier, BroadswordGloves must be used which cover the entirety of the hand and wrist, more padding for exposed areas is recommended.
Groin/Chest ProtectionRigid groin protection to be worn to protect external genitalia.
LegsThe groin and upper thighs (up to a handspan down from the groin) must be covered by 350N penetration resistant material.
ShoesAll competitors must wear shoes.

The Tournament
We are running a competition over the period of the camp. From 4:30 pm Friday to 12 pm Monday.

The winner will be the team, and the person that do the most sparring, classes, and chores over that time. Yes there are prizes 😉

Each class you participate in is worth 8 points
Each chore slot you complete is worth 10 points
Each unique sparring session is worth 1 point

To count as a unique sparring session you have to either fence someone for the first time at the camp or fence the same person with a new weapon combination.

Keep track of your classes and sparring sessions in your training notebook and then tell Gindi your total points each day to add to the leaderboard. Teams will be assigned by the sorting hat.


The camp is fully catered by volunteers, and you can choose between daytripping in, dorm style accommodation, or bringing your own tent. The camp is in a new location this year so all the various fencing locations have large undercover spaces with lighting, in case of bad weather.

 Last year, after dinner, campers variously enjoyed social time, including some card/board games, and took some time alone to recharge their social batteries, before starting all over at breakfast the next day. We also often play even sillier fencing games, roast marshmallows, or pull out the lightsabres.