At BTCC we teach classical German KDF techniques from the late medieval and early renaissance period in a way that makes them accessible and easy to learn, yet still hard to master! Drawing on modern training methods and practices we combine historical techniques with modern sports science in a unique and extremely effective manner.
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The Old Sword Club
At The Old Sword Club we practice fencing as used in life and death duels, self defence and on the bloody battlefield’s of the past. Working from historical swordplay manuals we reconstruct swordplay primarily from late 19th century Britain and test our interpretations through competitive sparring.
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Sydney Korean Historic Fencing
At Sydney Korean Historic Fencing, we are a fun and nerdy bunch who want to break away from the sword dancing and patterns that most Asian sword schools do and focus on recreating historic scenarios and using swordsmanship as it was designed – to fight other martial artists in duels and on the battlefield. We try to minimise the sporting aspect, our bouts are not for victories and losses but for self improvement and fun. We want to create a community of swordsmen who help each other grow, improve and find a refuge from the modern world and enjoy a good bit of history and physical activity.
Our club is focused on the Jo style interpretation of Jedok Geom, a sword style from the late 1500s which is recorded in the Korean martial manual compendium Muyedobotongji. Our instructors have been working on an interpretation of the historic manual since 2017, and unlike other Asian sword schools we pressure test all of our techniques (think HEMA but Asian).

Glen Lachlann Estate College of Arms (GLECA)
We are the Glen Lachlann Estate College of Arms (or GLECA for short) a fully accredited Western Martial Arts college with branches based in Melbourne and Sydney, Australia and Malta. We teach a blend of traditional Western Martial Arts and modern sports science biomechanics.
Glen Lachlann teaches a wholistic style of combat, where students are taught to fight in a supported martial environment with a variety of weapons including longsword and single-handed sword, but also with unarmed, cane and improvised weapon techniques.
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New England School of Swordsmanship Inc.
NESSI is an incorporated, non-profit association which teaches swordsmanship in Armidale.
Armizare – Tweed
The Company B.S.A (British Sword Academy) – Blue Mountains, Bathurst
Dubbo HEMA Club – Dubbo
Stoccata School of Defence – Sydney, Blue Mountains, Newcastle